The Mothers Who Work Club: Monthly Mastermind for Mumpreneurs

Welcome to The Mothers Who Work Club

  • Are you a mum juggling the demands of work and family life?

  • Do you dream of starting a side hustle or elevating your career while embracing motherhood?

  • Do you have an existing career or qualifications but don't like the corporate world and want to find a way to use the career you love to start working on your own terms?

Look no further – you've found your tribe!

Introducing The Mothers Who Work Club Monthly Mastermind

At Mothers Who Work, we understand the unique challenges and aspirations of mothers who work. That's why we're thrilled to introduce The Mothers Who Work Club Monthly Mastermind – your secret weapon for achieving your goals and creating the life you desire.

What is The Mothers Who Work Club?

The Mothers Who Work Club is more than a club; it's a supportive community of ambitious mums just like you. Our mission is to empower and uplift mothers who work, providing the tools, resources, and inspiration to thrive both personally and professionally.

What's Included?

  • Monthly Mastermind Sessions: Join our dynamic mastermind sessions where you'll connect with fellow mums, share experiences, and gain valuable insights on balancing work and family life.

  • Side Hustle Success: Dive into the world of side hustles, from idea to execution. Learn the ropes, get inspired, and discover new income streams.

  • Personal and Professional Growth: Elevate your skills and confidence with expert guidance in personal development, leadership, and career advancement.

  • Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy an exclusive 25% off all The Mothers Who Work courses and products, making your journey towards success even more affordable.

  • Networking Opportunities: Build meaningful connections with like-minded mums and expand your support network.

Join The Mothers Who Work Club Today

Ready to embark on your journey with The Mothers Who Work Club? Become a member today and unlock the power of our monthly mastermind sessions, exclusive discounts, and a community that understands and supports you.

Membership Pricing

Monthly Subscription includes access to all mastermind sessions, exclusive discounts, and a vibrant community of fellow mums.

We Believe in You

At Mothers Who Work, we believe that every mum has the potential to achieve greatness. Let The Mothers Who Work Club be your guiding light on your path to success.

Join Now and Thrive

Take the first step towards a more empowered and fulfilling life. Click the button below to join The Mothers Who Work Club Monthly Mastermind and become part of a community that's here to uplift, inspire, and celebrate your journey.

Your Success, Our Mission

Join us today, and let's thrive together.

Your Supportive Community Awaits

Join "The Mothers Who Work Club" and say goodbye to the isolation of being a working mum. Connect with like-minded mums who understand your journey, share your dreams, and celebrate your successes. Together, we're your support system, and we're here to empower you.

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The Mothers Who Work Club: Monthly Mastermind for Mumpreneurs

Group Program


